Tag Archives: plants

Planting for the future

Envision Abraham sitting under the terebinth tree on the Plains of Mamre hosting the angels of God as they are about to reveal the future birth of Isaac. A seminal moment in Torah. In fact, Oak trees feature often in Torah which is why members of Kehillat Kernow planted an oak tree when they participated in a tree planting at the Dor Kemmyn site’s Field of Peace in Truro with other members of the Inter-Faith Forum on Sunday, the 24th of March.

The Buddist Community planted a lime tree nearby.Fifteen members of KK gathered around to watch David Hearle supervise and plant the oak tree with help for the digging process from KK members Adam Feldman and John Edelman.

At the ceremony, following a greeting from Rita Stephen of IFF, Chairman Jeremy Jacobson, noted how appropriate it was to plant symbols of life after previously just having delivered prayers and a speech of support for the Islamic Community at the ICC for those Muslims murdered recently while praying in their  mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Jewish blessings for life, and a poem about an oak tree were recited by Pat Lipert and exerpts from our sidurm for TuBishvat were delivered by Adam Feldman.

The trees planted at the Dor Kemmyn site symbolise hope for the future, a belief in peace and most importantly, life, for it is the emphasis on life which is so integral to our Jewish religion.

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