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Kehillat Kernow celebrates the last night of Chanukah
(for more news see ‘Recent Posts’ on right hand panel)
We, here at Kehillat Kernow, are a small but vibrant, progressive Jewish community in Cornwall with members across the county and further afield. Whether you are looking to join our community or simply to explore more about Judaism we will be pleased to hear from you and you will always be welcome at Kehillat Kernow.
Our name
Our title mixes Hebrew and Cornish. ‘Kehillat’ means [Jewish] Community and ‘Kernow’ is the ancient form for Cornwall, so we have the Jewish Community of Cornwall.
History or not
Legend has it that Jews arrived in Cornwall over a thousand years ago. Hence names such as Marazion and Penzance’s Market Jew Street. Both names, in fact, are derived from the Cornish Marghas/Market’. What is certain is that Jewish communities were established, mainly in Falmouth and Penzance, in the eighteenth century. These died out by the end of the 19th century leaving synagogues and cemeteries, though this was not the end of the Jewish story in Cornwall.
Our community
The new community, Kehillat Kernow, has existed since 1999. Our members come from widely differing backgrounds: former members of the progressive movement, people brought up in the orthodox tradition, others from the reform establishment and some who have converted to Judaism or who are in the process of converting. We have Jews from different countries: Canada, France, the United States, Germany and India. We also have members who are not Jewish. Altogether, we have over a hundred members, with new ones joining each year. We also welcome many Jewish holiday visitors who come to Cornwall from all parts of the world. The final words of Dr Lord Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi, in his book ‘The Dignity of Difference’ apply to the formation of our community within the body of Judaism itself: “Difference does not diminish; it enlarges the sphere of human possibilities.”
Our services
Kehillat Kehillat holds Erev Shabbat services online every week except for the final week of the month when we meet in person for a Shabbat morning service at a community centre near Truro. We also hold in-person High Holiday services at a beautiful venue near Helston, These services are usually conducted by volunteer members whose prowess grows year by year. In addition, from time to time, we have input from student rabbis of Leo Baeck College and from visiting rabbis or others versed in Jewish lore.
If you would like to attend one of these services, please contact us, as indicated below.
Our association with MRJ
Kehillat Kernow is associated with the Movement for Reform Judaism, from which we have received considerable help and support, especially from David Jacobs, until recently the Director of the MRJ’s synagogue support service. We have, in the past, had the valuable support of Elkan and Celia Levy (peace be upon her) and their visits have always been memorable.
Interfaith Community
We also work with the Cornwall Faith Forum on their programmes Learning for Peace, Sharing for Peace and Building for Peace, and our Chairman and Vice-Chair are members of their Executive. In November 2024, along with other faith communities in Cornwall, we signed the Cornwall Faith Covenant.
Our subscription rates are very modest and we have charitable status, which makes such subscriptions even more useful to our budgetary needs.
Kehillat Kernow is happy to receive prospective converts at its religious services and at other events. We can provide advice, opportunities to discuss practices, Jewish law and other topics and also offer some pastoral support. Read more
Contact us
If you require further information, please contact us through our website or feel free to contact me at: .
Remember whatever the weather here in Cornwall, you can be assured of a warm welcome from Kehillat Kernow.
Jeremy Jacobson OBE
Chairman, Kehillat Kernow.
Registered Charity No 1090562.
View our Constitution.

Tikun Olam / Repairing the World
"Let the time not be distant, when all the brokenness in our world is repaired by the work of our hands and our hearts"
(from the Aleinu prayer)