Rosh HaShannah Shines Despite the Weather

It may have been raining on Erev Rosh HaShannah and on the  day of 5780, but the sun certainly shone when a large number of people from within the Cornish community  and from the greater community gathered together for services and delightful celebratory cuisine, both traditional and contemporary to observe the first part of the High Holy Days.

 Led enthusiastically by KK’s  talented Adam Feldman, the service was warmly received and much appreciated. 

The catering was the traditional wine, whiskey, apples and honey, Challah and honey cakes were  contributed by members of the KK community.

All good wishes for a happy, healthy and good new year: L’Shannah Tovah. Hag Sameah!

Photos of this event supplied can been seen clicking by

Mai Jacobson and/or Rachel Brown