This is my first post to this group, and I bring the greetings of the recent Synod of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Methodist District to this community. Be blest at this time of sacred festivals. Shalom.
Iris Bray
Synod Secretary
Hi there,
I am new to Cornwall and would love an opportunity to meet members of the Jewish community. I am not a Jews but would love the opportunity to learn more.
Not sure who to contact. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you for your message. Could you tell me a little more about yourself, your background and why you are interested in meeting the Jewish community. Also, what part of Cornwall do you live in? It would be easier to carry on this conversation, if you could write now to me here.
I would just like to say hello and congratulate you all on your wonderful wildflower cemetery. As a non-denominational (but Dutch Sephardic heritage) Jew with deep family roots in Cornwall and the West Country I have been interested in Kehillat Kernow for a while now and like the way your wagons roll. As someone who is also very connected to the earth and environmentally minded and has decided on natural burial for myself whenever the time comes, I was delighted and inspired by your community’s choice. May it be a blessing for many generations!
P.S Loving the book swaps, unusable sacred book burials, high teas and film night ideas too.
I totally endorse the glowing review for The Jews of Cornwall. Keith Pearce is to be congratulated for the level of details he has collected and the wonderful way in which he has brought the history of Cornwall Jewry to life.
Thanks to this book, we found new material about my husband’s family history. He is a g-g-g-grandson of Moses Mordecai, a German migrant who settled in Devon in the 1790s. His g-g-grandfather was Mark Mordecai who married Esther Levi and they cleverly combined their surnames to become Mordecai Levi, a boon for genealogists interested in this family.
Mark and Esther’s youngest daughter Sophia married Captain Morris Levy, the eldest son of Mark Levy who was born in Plymouth in 1800 and moved to the Channel Islands.
We were lent this book by a friend here in Perth, Australia, who is a descendant of the Jacob and Simmons families. Also its equally weighty and informative sequel. It looks like we are now (very, very, very distantly) related!
It was very sad to read of the closure of the Penzance Synagogue – please G-d the remaining communities will remain strong.
Shabbat Shalom: We still await details for upcoming Communal Seder, Erev Pesach at Trelissick Gardens. We will be visiting in Playing Place, away from our traditional congregation. Thank you. David and Tamsin
Some while ago I bought an early 19th century pocket watch made by A Selig of Penzance. Until now I had no information on the maker, but now see he was apparently Aaron Selig of Penzance, born 1786, died 1841, buried Penzance.
The watch is in sliver pair-cases, hall marked for maker JW in London 1823. The watch is numbered 10412 and has ‘Arabic’ numbers on the dial rather than the more usual ‘Roman’.
Greetings Family:
We plan to be in Cornwall for Erev Pesach 2016. I notice that there is a communal seder planned at Telissick. Would you permit us to join you? Please send details. We both reside in Florida. I am US/Israeli and Tamsin is from Cornwall. Last year, we attended a monthly service at the little school. Thanks for the warm welcome.
David Eshkol and Tamsin Saphir
I am a Falmouth University student studying BA Fine Art and have been walking around Cornwall documenting a ‘sense of place’. I am interested in reading the book ‘The Jews of Cornwall – A History – Tradition and Settlement to 1913 by Keith Pearce’ and noticed that the library here does not have a copy and I do not have the funds to buy one outright. Perhaps I might persuade the University to buy one. Does anyone know of a Library in Cornwall that has a copy? Perhaps Penzance?
Ian Guyver
Hi Ian,
I don’t know whether you found a copy of the book ‘The Jews of Cornwall’. I presently manage Cornwall Council’s library in Callington and it seems that there are 3 copies in the Cornish Lending collection. ISBN:9780857042224. The following link should confirm this.
If you have not already joined a local library, I would recommend that you do so and ask a member of staff to assist you in reserving a copy and you will be notified when the book is available for collection.
Schana Tova – and all our best wishes for a most peacefull and successful new year 5775!
We were very happy to meet members of Kehilat Kernow when we visited you in April.
With some luck we will be back in October again.
With all our best wishes,
Adriana Stern
Maria Rohlinger
I’m a gentile born and bred in Devon but with Jewish ancestry from Plymouth and Cornwall,I am a friend of Exeter shul and regularly attend shabbat services there.I’m so pleased to see there’s a thriving Jewish community in Cornwall and hope to be able to visit you some time. With kind regards, Derek Hart, post_remove_[at] Shalom. — Barnstaple,Devon, England
Lovely to find you all, I was looking up my family history, was told that the family were originally German Jews, so I looked at my mothers side, (from N London) but no definite leads. Never thought of tracing my fathers side From Marazion, (Caddy/Mitchell). I would love to stay in touch. Shalom, Abraham. — Manchester
I was very surprised to come across this website. I was evacuated to Penzance from London in 1940 and went to school in Penzance. In those days we were the only Jewish family in the area. There was one other Jewish family in Truro and rumors of one in Falmouth. It was difficult being Jewish in Cornwall in those days. The difficulties related to the local people?s ignorance and suspicion rather than overt anti-Semitism. The fact that we had a German sounding name didn?t help either. We left in 1957 and never returned. I am delighted to see that a small vibrant Jewish community now exists in Cornwall. Again we have survived! Mazel Tov!
Hello i wondered if there was any chance of perhaps attending any of your meetings i was in israel for 6 months i read the bible and try to support israeland her people as the bible says i will bless those who bless you i am infact a christian but am thankful for the jewish people thanks kevin — newquay
Sir/madam, I came across your website during my planning for a six-week retreat/recharge to SW-England immediately following the High Holy Days. In many ways there appears (_remove_[at]_remove_ the Pshat) of a parallel between KK & my tiny shul in NC — both being geographically in the diaspora of the diaspora. I particularly appreciated your on-line newsletter; your activities and engagement belie your numbers! If I can manage to avoid having to (once again) postpone the log-awaited trip, I would hope to be able to join a Shabbat minyan.
You have a wonderful website and I thought you might be interested in Judaica Beautiful is an online Judaica Store and Community space, customized for Temples & Synagogues. They offer modern and traditional Judaica that enhances the Jewish tradition and provides fund raising tools for Congregations, Synagogues & Temples! — Taos, NM
Beautiful website-fantastic idea. If anyone sees this posting, feel free to email me as I would love to connect with other Jews living in Cornwall ysirken_remove_[at] — Looe, Cornwall
Shalom Eleichem to all my new friends at Kehillat Kernow. A big thank you for your hospitality and friendship (and kind remarks about my Hebrew blessings!). Everyone made Gerry’s Bar Mitzvah a very special, and for me, a very moving and unforgettable occasion. Thank you all for the huge Mitzvah of allowing me to do the Haftarah reading. It was a true pleasure to meet Pat, Harvey, Gerry (senior) and everyone else who I have heard so much about. I will be back next time I get to Cornwall. Shalom, Ahava, Denis. — Llanfechain, Cymru (Wales)
I wanted to congratulate you all on such a happy positive website. I wanted to thank you for welcoming my brother Gerry into your wonderful community and to wish you the very best for the future. May you continue to grow from strength to strength. — Shropshire
Very interesting site – I visit a friend in Cornwall – was there 5 times in 2005 and love it – nice to know there is a thriving community in such a beautiful area – not just in big cities. — Essex
Kind regards from North London Progressive Jewish Community. Barbara G, one of your members told me about your site. We are a new community too, trying to establish an inner city diverse community. Our website is Love the way you have combined Hebrew and Cornish in your title. Good luck for the future and Mazel Tov for all your successes so far!! May 1, 2005 — London
How lovely it was to be able to attend the Chanucah party 2004 with my daughter Karen, and grandson Samuel (Sam).Once they are truly settled in a home of their own we look forward to being able to attend shul services as a family. To anyone interested in the synagogue lamps I discovered during 2004 in a Penryn antique store;they are now hanging in the Jewish Museum Camden Town , London. They have been taken out of the display cases in which they were initially shown, and hang proudly over an old Europian Ark. The museum curator tells me that they look so perfect in that setting. We ca only assume that they could have come from the old synagogue in Penzance in 1700/1800 after the shul was closed down. It would be wonderful to learn if this was really so. Alas , to date we are still uncertain. — Penryn, Cornwall
We are doing some development on our web site for Sheffield Reform Congregation – at: I was inspired to do some more work on this after seeing your web site when it was re-done last year. I am a bit sad to see that a number of areas have not been kept up-to-date although I know how difficult this can be. Its just that so much work can easily go to waste if a web site is left to become out of date – as people are likely to stop using it. I hope you will continue your previous good work on this soon. Shalom and Chag Sameach (le-Chanukah) to you all. Howard SafferChair – Sheffield — Sheffield UK
Well presented. The only thing missing is a list of places to buy kosher food, judaica, in the area of Cornwall. Was hoping to update my list.See, Kosher Food, at — Gloucester, UK
Just taking a look at your website. Although not a Jew myself am very interested in your religion which I hold in high regard and deep respect. Perhaps I could come along to one of your meetings some time. I am Christian but firmly believe in interfaith dialogue. Thank you for allowing me to post on your board. I hope I have not upset anybody by posting. — penzance
To any visitors likely to visit us during Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur – please contact me via my yahoo email if you wish to participate in our High Holy Day services. Thank you. — Cornwall
I was so pleased to find your site.It brought back my childhood when I lived in Newquay.My family had a ladies hairdresses in Newquay for many years B/4 they moved back to London.We only knew one other Jewish family that lived in St Austell they had a furriers. We were very isolated at that time. I wish you all well. Frances. — Norwich Norfolk
Just Looking… Mazeltov on the web site – I may have to pinch some of your ideas, our site is looking a bit dated now! Belated Chag Sameach form up north! — North Manchester Reform Jewish Cong.
Just thought I’d wish everyone a happy Pesach and congratulate you on a superb website.While I’m on the subject… If you are interested your web administrators can join the RSGB web admin forum on our website to sher information and ideas.Just go to and click register to sign up. Oh don’t forget to tick the Synagogue Web Administration Support group. Hag Sameach Marc
Just to say…Thank you for welcoming me to the community. I so enjoyed the service and being with you all.Looking forward to our future meetings, and also to the time when my daughter arrives in Truro , so that I can introduce her and my baby grandson to you.
I am very impressed with your website, Harvey, so beautifully designed. Hope you are well and best wishes too to David from the Redbridge RE community
My cousin found your site when searching for my brother Leslie Lipert. Our cousin just found me via the internet after no contact for 46 years! Hooray for the internet. I like the Star of Davids on your site. — Los Angeles, California
Dear Noah — I have just found my way into the website. Now I shall not feel so isolated. Clever,clever,Noah, it is brilliant. Best Wishes to you and all at Mousehole from Vera.
Just been reading all about you on the website – it is excellent. We,too are a small community – 65 members – but, I guess, more compact than you. Will send details about burial site – important, but sad necessity.I used to live in Bristol, so our holidays were out west.Phil.
Shalom from Torquay. To David Hampshire once again, heartfelt thanks for the service on Monday. We all felt that the right balance was struck and all those there commented how lovely AND interseting it was. Good luck to you in the development and growth of the community in Cornwall. Lehitraot!!!
Delighted to make contact! Shalom! I am a lapsed reader of Hebrew, lived in Cornwall for 6 years. Still member of United Synagogue in Surrey. Would appreciate help with reading in the future if anyone is able to assist. I am a young at heart 71 year old!
Hi, just testing the system out. Noah is doinga great job in getting this set up.I hope to be able to add more details when I know exactly how to do it!!Shalom.
This is my first post to this group, and I bring the greetings of the recent Synod of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Methodist District to this community. Be blest at this time of sacred festivals. Shalom.
Iris Bray
Synod Secretary
Hi there,
I am new to Cornwall and would love an opportunity to meet members of the Jewish community. I am not a Jews but would love the opportunity to learn more.
Not sure who to contact. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Dear Leona,
Thank you for your message. Could you tell me a little more about yourself, your background and why you are interested in meeting the Jewish community. Also, what part of Cornwall do you live in? It would be easier to carry on this conversation, if you could write now to me here.
Jeremy Jacobson
Thank you for your kind message. If you ever come ‘home’ to Cornwall, let us know.
Best wishes,
Jeremy Jacobson OBE
I would just like to say hello and congratulate you all on your wonderful wildflower cemetery. As a non-denominational (but Dutch Sephardic heritage) Jew with deep family roots in Cornwall and the West Country I have been interested in Kehillat Kernow for a while now and like the way your wagons roll. As someone who is also very connected to the earth and environmentally minded and has decided on natural burial for myself whenever the time comes, I was delighted and inspired by your community’s choice. May it be a blessing for many generations!
P.S Loving the book swaps, unusable sacred book burials, high teas and film night ideas too.
Brightest blessings,
Antonia Sara
I totally endorse the glowing review for The Jews of Cornwall. Keith Pearce is to be congratulated for the level of details he has collected and the wonderful way in which he has brought the history of Cornwall Jewry to life.
Thanks to this book, we found new material about my husband’s family history. He is a g-g-g-grandson of Moses Mordecai, a German migrant who settled in Devon in the 1790s. His g-g-grandfather was Mark Mordecai who married Esther Levi and they cleverly combined their surnames to become Mordecai Levi, a boon for genealogists interested in this family.
Mark and Esther’s youngest daughter Sophia married Captain Morris Levy, the eldest son of Mark Levy who was born in Plymouth in 1800 and moved to the Channel Islands.
We were lent this book by a friend here in Perth, Australia, who is a descendant of the Jacob and Simmons families. Also its equally weighty and informative sequel. It looks like we are now (very, very, very distantly) related!
It was very sad to read of the closure of the Penzance Synagogue – please G-d the remaining communities will remain strong.
Shabbat Shalom: We still await details for upcoming Communal Seder, Erev Pesach at Trelissick Gardens. We will be visiting in Playing Place, away from our traditional congregation. Thank you. David and Tamsin
Some while ago I bought an early 19th century pocket watch made by A Selig of Penzance. Until now I had no information on the maker, but now see he was apparently Aaron Selig of Penzance, born 1786, died 1841, buried Penzance.
The watch is in sliver pair-cases, hall marked for maker JW in London 1823. The watch is numbered 10412 and has ‘Arabic’ numbers on the dial rather than the more usual ‘Roman’.
Greetings Family:
We plan to be in Cornwall for Erev Pesach 2016. I notice that there is a communal seder planned at Telissick. Would you permit us to join you? Please send details. We both reside in Florida. I am US/Israeli and Tamsin is from Cornwall. Last year, we attended a monthly service at the little school. Thanks for the warm welcome.
David Eshkol and Tamsin Saphir
I am a Falmouth University student studying BA Fine Art and have been walking around Cornwall documenting a ‘sense of place’. I am interested in reading the book ‘The Jews of Cornwall – A History – Tradition and Settlement to 1913 by Keith Pearce’ and noticed that the library here does not have a copy and I do not have the funds to buy one outright. Perhaps I might persuade the University to buy one. Does anyone know of a Library in Cornwall that has a copy? Perhaps Penzance?
Ian Guyver
Hi Ian,
I don’t know whether you found a copy of the book ‘The Jews of Cornwall’. I presently manage Cornwall Council’s library in Callington and it seems that there are 3 copies in the Cornish Lending collection. ISBN:9780857042224. The following link should confirm this.
If you have not already joined a local library, I would recommend that you do so and ask a member of staff to assist you in reserving a copy and you will be notified when the book is available for collection.
Kind regards,
Austin McNally.
Schana Tova – and all our best wishes for a most peacefull and successful new year 5775!
We were very happy to meet members of Kehilat Kernow when we visited you in April.
With some luck we will be back in October again.
With all our best wishes,
Adriana Stern
Maria Rohlinger
I’m a gentile born and bred in Devon but with Jewish ancestry from Plymouth and Cornwall,I am a friend of Exeter shul and regularly attend shabbat services there.I’m so pleased to see there’s a thriving Jewish community in Cornwall and hope to be able to visit you some time.
With kind regards,
Derek Hart, post_remove_[at]
— Barnstaple,Devon, England
Thanks for your posting Derek and we’d be delighted to see you should you visit this part of the world.
Lovely to find you all, I was looking up my family history, was told that the family were originally German Jews, so I looked at my mothers side, (from N London) but no definite leads. Never thought of tracing my fathers side From Marazion, (Caddy/Mitchell). I would love to stay in touch.
— Manchester
i would love to fellowship with anyone living in cornwall or visiting email is dorothycinders82_remove_[at]
— Newquay
I was very surprised to come across this website. I was evacuated to Penzance from London in 1940 and went to school in Penzance. In those days we were the only Jewish family in the area. There was one other Jewish family in Truro and rumors of one in Falmouth. It was difficult being Jewish in Cornwall in those days. The difficulties related to the local people?s ignorance and suspicion rather than overt anti-Semitism. The fact that we had a German sounding name didn?t help either. We left in 1957 and never returned.
I am delighted to see that a small vibrant Jewish community now exists in Cornwall. Again we have survived! Mazel Tov!
my e mail is kevinscholes2003_remove_[at]
— newquay
is my email hidden i didn’t mean it to be
— newquay
Hello i wondered if there was any chance of perhaps attending any of your meetings i was in israel for 6 months i read the bible and try to support israeland her people as the bible says i will bless those who bless you i am infact a christian but am thankful for the jewish people thanks kevin
— newquay
This site is a true inspiration.
Thanks for the great work you do
— Gibraltar
Welcome back to the guestbook!
— Penzance
I came across your website during my planning for a six-week retreat/recharge to SW-England immediately following the High Holy Days.
In many ways there appears (_remove_[at]_remove_ the Pshat) of a parallel between KK & my tiny shul in NC — both being geographically in the diaspora of the diaspora. I particularly appreciated your on-line newsletter; your activities and engagement belie your numbers!
If I can manage to avoid having to (once again) postpone the log-awaited trip, I would hope to be able to join a Shabbat minyan.
— Greenville, No. Carolina (USA)
You have a wonderful website and I thought you might be interested in Judaica Beautiful is an online Judaica Store and Community space, customized for Temples & Synagogues. They offer modern and traditional Judaica that enhances the Jewish tradition and provides fund raising tools for Congregations, Synagogues & Temples!
— Taos, NM
Beautiful website-fantastic idea. If anyone sees this posting, feel free to email me as I would love to connect with other Jews living in Cornwall
— Looe, Cornwall
Shalom Eleichem to all my new friends at Kehillat Kernow. A big thank you for your hospitality and friendship (and kind remarks about my Hebrew blessings!). Everyone made Gerry’s Bar Mitzvah a very special, and for me, a very moving and unforgettable occasion. Thank you all for the huge Mitzvah of allowing me to do the Haftarah reading.
It was a true pleasure to meet Pat, Harvey, Gerry (senior) and everyone else who I have heard so much about.
I will be back next time I get to Cornwall.
Shalom, Ahava, Denis.
— Llanfechain, Cymru (Wales)
Hello, I am coming to Cornwall this week and was wondering if you are having a shabbos service on the 27th Dec? Happy Chanukah!
— London
I wish to congratulate you on this website and on your wonderful image.
— Near Launceston
I wanted to congratulate you all on such a happy positive website.
I wanted to thank you for welcoming my brother Gerry into your wonderful community and to wish you the very best for the future. May you continue to grow from strength to strength.
— Shropshire
Thank you so much Kehillat Kernow for your warm welcome and acceptance and the opportunity to get to know The Community.
— St.Buryan
Very interesting site – I visit a friend in Cornwall – was there 5 times in 2005 and love it – nice to know there is a thriving community in such a beautiful area – not just in big cities.
— Essex
Thank you for welcoming us so warmly at your Rosh Hashanah celebration.
— Milton keynes
Please feel free to post your messages on our newly secured guestbook!
— Brighton
Kind regards from North London Progressive Jewish Community. Barbara G, one of your members told me about your site. We are a new community too, trying to establish an inner city diverse community. Our website is Love the way you have combined Hebrew and Cornish in your title. Good luck for the future and Mazel Tov for all your successes so far!! May 1, 2005
— London
How lovely it was to be able to attend the Chanucah party 2004 with my daughter Karen, and grandson Samuel (Sam).Once they are truly settled in a home of their own we look forward to being able to attend shul services as a family. To anyone interested in the synagogue lamps I discovered during 2004 in a Penryn antique store;they are now hanging in the Jewish Museum Camden Town , London. They have been taken out of the display cases in which they were initially shown, and hang proudly over an old Europian Ark. The museum curator tells me that they look so perfect in that setting. We ca only assume that they could have come from the old synagogue in Penzance in 1700/1800 after the shul was closed down. It would be wonderful to learn if this was really so. Alas , to date we are still uncertain.
— Penryn, Cornwall
An excellent web-site, and an inspiration for us to improve our own. Hope to visit you on one of our trips to the UK
— Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas
We are doing some development on our web site for Sheffield Reform Congregation – at: I was inspired to do some more work on this after seeing your web site when it was re-done last year. I am a bit sad to see that a number of areas have not been kept up-to-date although I know how difficult this can be. Its just that so much work can easily go to waste if a web site is left to become out of date – as people are likely to stop using it. I hope you will continue your previous good work on this soon. Shalom and Chag Sameach (le-Chanukah) to you all. Howard SafferChair – Sheffield
— Sheffield UK
Well presented. The only thing missing is a list of places to buy kosher food, judaica, in the area of Cornwall. Was hoping to update my list.See, Kosher Food, at
— Gloucester, UK
For Sue Orchard: Thanks for your message. We would be delighted to welcome you to a service. Contact me on my yahoo email for details.
— Cornwall
I’ve been twice in cornwall and didn’t know you’re there!I like the combination of kehilat-kernow…
— Tel-Aviv
Just taking a look at your website. Although not a Jew myself am very interested in your religion which I hold in high regard and deep respect. Perhaps I could come along to one of your meetings some time. I am Christian but firmly believe in interfaith dialogue. Thank you for allowing me to post on your board. I hope I have not upset anybody by posting.
— penzance
To any visitors likely to visit us during Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur – please contact me via my yahoo email if you wish to participate in our High Holy Day services. Thank you.
— Cornwall
Shalom vTzaddikah – Kres hag Ewnder. Delighted to see organized Jewish life flourishing again in Cornwall.
— Caerdydd
I was so pleased to find your site.It brought back my childhood when I lived in Newquay.My family had a ladies hairdresses in Newquay for many years B/4 they moved back to London.We only knew one other Jewish family that lived in St Austell they had a furriers. We were very isolated at that time. I wish you all well. Frances.
— Norwich Norfolk
Hello everybody, I miss you all very much. I`m sorry I couldn`t make it to your bar mitzvah Seth, hoe to see you all soon, Tony
— Nottingham
Just Looking… Mazeltov on the web site – I may have to pinch some of your ideas, our site is looking a bit dated now! Belated Chag Sameach form up north!
— North Manchester Reform Jewish Cong.
Just thought I’d wish everyone a happy Pesach and congratulate you on a superb website.While I’m on the subject… If you are interested your web administrators can join the RSGB web admin forum on our website to sher information and ideas.Just go to and click register to sign up. Oh don’t forget to tick the Synagogue Web Administration Support group. Hag Sameach Marc
Mazel tov Noah great looking new site…..I wish everyone a happy and kosher Pesach!!! 🙂 keran x
— St. Ives
Do you like the new site design?
— Penzance
Forgot to mention in my previous message–thank you Noah for your work on the website; it helped me to discover Kehillat Kernow!
— Newbridge, Penzance
Wonderful to go to shul yesterday–wish I’d done it sooner! Looking forward to the 17th at CDVH. Shalom.
Just to say…Thank you for welcoming me to the community. I so enjoyed the service and being with you all.Looking forward to our future meetings, and also to the time when my daughter arrives in Truro , so that I can introduce her and my baby grandson to you.
I am very impressed with your website, Harvey, so beautifully designed. Hope you are well and best wishes too to David from the Redbridge RE community
My cousin found your site when searching for my brother Leslie Lipert. Our cousin just found me via the internet after no contact for 46 years! Hooray for the internet. I like the Star of Davids on your site.
— Los Angeles, California
Dear Noah — I have just found my way into the website. Now I shall not feel so isolated. Clever,clever,Noah, it is brilliant. Best Wishes to you and all at Mousehole from Vera.
Just in case anyone is wondering, Sandra is my sister and she loyally checked out the site.Thanks Sandra!
mazeltov!happy channukah from highland park,illinois,usa.,formerly london
Hello everyone, waving from Nottingham, I`m coming to see you all soon, I miss you all lots, Tony
Just been reading all about you on the website – it is excellent. We,too are a small community – 65 members – but, I guess, more compact than you. Will send details about burial site – important, but sad necessity.I used to live in Bristol, so our holidays were out west.Phil.
Shalom from Torquay. To David Hampshire once again, heartfelt thanks for the service on Monday. We all felt that the right balance was struck and all those there commented how lovely AND interseting it was. Good luck to you in the development and growth of the community in Cornwall. Lehitraot!!!
Well done Noah the news site looks good.
Delighted to make contact! Shalom! I am a lapsed reader of Hebrew, lived in Cornwall for 6 years. Still member of United Synagogue in Surrey. Would appreciate help with reading in the future if anyone is able to assist. I am a young at heart 71 year old!
Mazel tov!Brilliant website!Look forward to plenty of interesting reading in the future!
Greetings from the London end of the community. Well done Adam
Well done Noah. The WEB site is impressive!
Shana tova to everybody.
From little acorns mighty oaks do grow – good work Noah and Harvey
Hi, just testing the system out. Noah is doinga great job in getting this set up.I hope to be able to add more details when I know exactly how to do it!!Shalom.
Welcome to the guestbook at Kehillat Kernow!