Category Archives: News

Passover Photos

Just thought I would quickly post some of the camera photos on the website for public viewing on the following day. Here are some photos taken at the Carnon Downs communal Pesach seder. Excuse the blurring, I took the “Orange” approach and “Messed About with Photo Messaging” as on their commercial. More will follow, just as soon as I receive them on my email.

Passover - Carnon Downs - 2003
Passover - Carnon Downs - 2003

News posting and Members area

As quite a few changes have been made to the site, I will need people to resubmit their information in order to gain access to the Members’ directory.

I am sure that Harvey would welcome some requests for others to post to the news page (here). Please either contact him or me about this. Please understand that only a few people will be able to do this, as otherwise this page could get very confusing for all.

Finally, the forum has been launched. The layout will change slightly to match the look and feel of the rest of the site. Please register and post your messages in the main discussion area. This is the place for conversation like discussions, rather than the odd “hello” at the guestbook.

Hopefully I’ll be able to upload some of the back issues of the Newsletter and add some of the many photos that are lying around ready to be viewed online.

Please keep on sending your comments. So far its all good, even from Anne and David!

Site Redesign

Just updated the website design to make it more cheerful. If you find it a little too much, tell me and I’ll make it less vibrant. If you liked to old one better (oh dear), don’t be afraid to tell me.

Seth’s Barmitzvah

Seth Hampshire celebrated his Barmitzvah last month. The service was held at Carnon Downs village hall where over 100 guests turned out to witness the event; these included most of the members of Kehillat Kernow, friends and family and members of the wider community. We even had a gentleman from Radio Cornwall complete with microphone!

Tony Reese from the Exeter Hebrew congregation had kindly brought down a Torah Scroll for the occasion so it was going to be a real test for Seth. And how did he do? Brilliantly!

He did us all proud! The service was conducted by David Hampshire in his usual, inimitable style and everyone enjoyed the proceedings.

Our two elder statesmen, Milton and Leslie, performed the duties of joint wardens, with Leslie being given the honour of raising the Torah Scroll for all to see. (The fact that he is shortly to have an operation on his shoulder is, I hope, purely coincidental! We do, however, wish him well.) Several members of the congregation were called up including Harvey, Kathleen (Seth’s proud mum), and young Elisha who had his Barmitzvah in Plymouth a couple of years ago now.

There are some photos of the event which I will send to Noah and hopefully, in the fulness of time, they will appear in the photo gallery.
After the service and kiddush, vegetarian food was served in the hall.

It was a very happy and memorable event in the short history of Kehillat Kernow.

Chanukah Party

On Thursday 6th December Kehillat Kernow held its annual Chanukah Party. This year’s party was tinged with sadness as we were also saying farewell to our good friend Arnie who will shortly be returning to the United States after a tour of duty over here. Arnie was presented with a beautiful, pewter Kiddush Cup along with a large custom-made card signed by all those present at the party.

Also in attendance were a number of guests previously unknown to the group and we look forward to welcoming them to future services and other events.

Members and guests brought in some delicious food and after lighting the candles and singing Moatz Zur we ate, had cups of tea and, eventually were persuaded to dance the Hora!

Everyone agreed that it was a great night, especially the children who received presents from Booba Bonnie!

Our next Sabbath service is on 14th December in Truro when Ben will be leading the proceedings. We look forward to seeing a good turnout.