Pesach in Cornwall

Enjoy a traditional service and super seder in an idyllic setting in Cornwall if you are in the Southwest for Friday night, 3rd April at 6:30pm.

One of the highlights of the year, Kehillat Kernow, the Jewish community of Cornwall is delighted to welcome visitors to their seder and reading of the Haggadah at this beautiful festival held at a beautiful site. Both Ashkenazi and Shephardi food will be served.

Tickets are available by contacting the event’s organiser, Mrs. Anne Hearle at 01736-731686.

Zac’s Bar Mitzvah

Zac Berger, now officially known in the family of Israel as Yitzhak ben Sha’ul, was joined by many members of the community, his family and friends for his Bar Mitzvah held on the 9th of Adar, Shabbat Zachor, the 28th of February at Shabbat services conducted by Chairman Harvey Kurzfield.


Zac read the maftir passage from Parsha Tetzaveh, the Haftarah reading and sang the blessings for both in excellent Hebrew. Members of the community and his family participated in various parts of the service. Harvey, who tutored Zac for his Bar Mitzvah presentation, was visibly pleased with how well Zac did with his readings along with proud parents, Mr and Mrs. Saul Berger, his siblings and grandmother.

A fine Kiddush provided by the family followed to celebrate Zac’s major accomplishment. Rachel Brown, KK secretary, organised and prepared the venue for the event.

Mazel Tov Yitzhak!

Holocaust Memorial Day receives interfaith support in Cornwall

Tuesday 27 January was Holocaust Memorial Day and there were events throughout the UK to remember those  those who suffered and died under Nazis persecution. This year, seventy special commemorative candles designed by Sir Anish Kappor to mark the seventy years since the liberation of Auschwitz were lit all over the UK, including one in Bodmin. The event in Bodmin was just one of many which took place in the Duchy.

Cornish Christian, civic and Jewish groups made an active effort this year to support and remember those who died in the Holocaust. A number of events before and on the 27th of January were held in Hayle, Redruth, Newquay, Truro and Penponds for the greater community, with active participation from members of Kehillat Kernow.

An afternoon service on the 27th was held at Redruth Baptist Church by local Christian congregants, followed by a film about Corrie Ten Bloom, a Dutch survivor of Ravensbrook Concentration Camp, who, before she was arrested, saved many Jews from the Nazis by hiding them in her house, until she was betrayed by a fellow countryman who pretended to need her help to save his wife. She was very much supported  in all she did by her father and beloved sister,  the former who died from shock a few days after arrest, the latter who died in Ravensbrook.  She spent the rest of her life after the war setting up a rehabilitation centre and speaking to groups across 60 countries about the Shoah and the need for reconciliation. This event was organised by Gillian and Michael Saldivar. Kehillat Kernow members, Harvey Kurzfield and Jeremy Jacobson attended.

On the 24th, a second event at Hayle Methodist Church, held by another Christian group who are loyal supporters of Israel, featured a film about the the aftermath of the European Shoah and explored the plight of Middle Eastern Jews who had been in North Africa and the Gulf area for 2,500 years, and were systematically expelled from their countries with the emergence of the state of Israel.  Members of Kehillat Kernow, Leslie and Pat Lipert, said prayers and Kaddish after the film.

On the 27th and 30th of January, Interactive Days of activities sponsored by the Devon and Cornwall Police, Cornwall Council and partner agencies, were held in Newquay and Truro and were  attended by KK member David Hampshire.

A Kehillat Kernow memorial service was held at Harvey and Jacqueline Kurzfield’s home in Penponds at 7pm on the 27th for the Jewish community to remember all those lost in the Holocaust.  This tradition of remembering and honouring those who died during the Shoah was begun several years ago by Louise Garcia who created the remembrance service and has carried on after her departure.


Harvey Kurzfield, Chairman of KK, led the service of remembrance. Members of our community attended. Along with traditional prayers and specific readings, candles were lit for the six million Jews who lost their lives in the Shoah.  Members of the community read several passages written by those who bore witness to those times of inexorable cruelty. A discussion followed which highlighted the need for continued education through the ages to all future generations and the importance of not only remembering but also acting to ensure that awareness of genocides cannot be ignored and never should be tolerated.

Pat Lipert, January 2015

Jewish Community of Cornwall