
We have a large selection of books and perodicals covering a range of genres, from literature and legend to Yiddish and Jewish thought.

Category Media
Editor Director Cecil B. De Milles


Fascinating rendition by the one and only Ceil B De Milles with Charleton Heston in all his glory atop Mt. Sinai and a more stoney-faced Moses in the 1923 silent movie version. Such a business, show business!

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For a complete list of categories refer to the Library sub-menu. All items may be borrowed by members for one month, renewable, provided the item has not been reserved in the meantime by someone else.

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To borrow a book, pamphlet or periodical, please contact Leslie Lipert on 01736 762675 to arrange collection. Leslie may also be able to arrange a delivery of the items.

The library is there to be used, so please take advantage of it. Unread books are sad creatures: well read books are full of life.