Category Archives: News

Cromwell and the Rabbi Lecture

The Resettlement of the Jews in England following 350 years of exclusion. 2006 marks the 350 anniversary of the Resettlement of Jews into England following their expulsion in 1290.

Kehillat Kernow, the Jewish Community of Cornwall is proud to present a lecture of appeal to both Christians and Jews on the Resettlement, which this year celebrates its 350th Anniversary. The matter was not straightforward – Who was Manasseh ben Israel? Why did a major row between the Rabbi of Amsterdam and his Wardens lead directly to the Resettlement? Why did John Evelyn write in his diary

Forthcoming Events

First, many congratulations to Michael Rose who was Bar-Mitzvah at his Grandparents’ shul in Romford in Essex. When I spoke to his Mum, Sandra, she told me that he had made her feel very proud. He is repeating the event especially for the Cornwall Community at the multicultural centre at St Eval airbase on Saturday 19th November at 10am. Rev. Malcolm Wiseman will be coming down to lead the service.

There is also a service the following Shabbat in Truro beginning 10.30am as usual.

Don’t forget AGM on Sunday 27th November at Carnon Downs Village Hall at 2pm in the Annexe.

There is also news that Chana Sophia Yaffe is down to do a Jewish Storytelling and Song session either in Cornwall or Plymouth. I will update this information as soon as I get confirmation of the venue.

Bonnie is hoping to arrange a Chanukah Party for all the cheder children, so we hope that you will all lend her your support for that event.

Rosh Hashanna

L’Shana Tovah from all the members of Kehillat Kernow.

We celebrated the Head of the Year with services at Pat & Leslie’s house overlooking Mount’s Bay. Radio Cornwall was in attendance in the form of Naomi Rowe, who recorded parts of the Erev Rosh Hashanna service as well as the views of several of our members. The broadcast will be (will have been – depending on when you read this!) on Sunday 9th October.

David Hampshire once again demonstrated his skill with a masterful display of Shofar blowing. We welcomed two students studying in Falmouth, two new members now living in St Columb Major and six visitors on holiday in Cornwall from Milton Keynes. Everyone present enjoyed the services and the excellent Rosh Hashanna festival meal lovingly prepared by our hostess Pat.

The Kol Nidre service will take place on Wednesday 12th October at Bonnie’s house in Camborne, with Yom Kippur services continuing there the following day.

Holocaust Memorial Day

This was commemorated in Cornwall in several ways.

Two members of our community visited St Ives Comprehensive School. About 150 pupils met Pat L. and Leisl M.

Leisl is one of those adults who came over to Britain as a child in the Kinder Transport. She was able to tell the children about her experiences and answered the many questions they asked. The teacher in charge said the whole experience was incredibly valuable and she praised the courage of Leisl.

Leisl was later interviewed by Radio Cornwall.

Our Chairman was also interviewed by Pirate FM news reporter Sue Smith.

The RE Advisor for Cornwall, our Own David Hampshire, organised a ceremony at County Hall which was attended by leaders of the Cornwall County Council. He and Harvey read several appropriate and moving passages. Six candles were lit.

Later in the evening there was a private ceremony for members of Kehillat Kernow at Milton and Gloria’s house. The service included readings from the RSGB Siddur and a final Kaddish. A Yharzeit candle was lit. After the service we had a discussion.

2005 News

Our first entry for 2005 must include a note of sorrow for the devastation caused by the tsunami in the region of the Indian Ocean which affected the coastlines of so many areas. Our prayers for those killed, injured or suffering the loss of loved ones and homes will be repeated during many of our services in the next few months.

Our own news is better. We have received a legacy which we hope will enable us to make tentative steps towards establishing our own premises at some point in the future. This will be a long way off, but it is a dream that may one day come to fruition.

Leslie tells me that we have more Mezuzot in stock. The Cornish Mezuzah is a highly regarded part of our history now and any members (or non-members for that matter) wishing to obtain one, should contact Leslie or myself hkurzfield[at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk.

Our fortnightly services recommence on January 8th and members and visitors are reminded that services normally begin at 10.30am. Visitors who wish to attend any services are asked to contact me at the email address above.
NB: Please note new time for the start of Shabbat services, 10.30am and not 10am. Next Service is on 22nd January, 2005.