Category Archives: News
The Mischling
Congratulations to Louise Garcia who wrote, produced and directed the all singing, all dancing, all acting ‘The Mischling’, a musical play inspired by Leisl Munden and centred round a young girl living in Germany in 1938 whose father arranges for her to leave Germany on the Kindertransport.
I saw the final performance of the World premiere of the play on Wednesday 27th June at The Burrell Theatre in Truro (Truro School) and was really moved at the wonderful performances of children whose ages ranged from 6 up to 15. The play, the music, the singing and the dancing were all fantastic and there is talk of Louise taking the production up to Leeds (with her Head Teacher’s backing) for the Jewish festival at some time in the future.
I hope that in due course we will be able to show some of the photos from the production either here on the website or in the newsletter.
Pesach Seder 2007
Taking advice from Elkan Levy himself (who we saw at the Pre-Pesach study day in Exeter) we 9slightly) shortened the service. The result was a smoother and much enjoyed seder, held, once again, at Trevarno Gardens. There were plenty of children present to hear the story of the Exodus from Egypt and the ‘stranger’ in our midst was a very pleasant gentleman from Washington D.C who just happened to be holidaying in Cornwall.
Forthcoming Events
First, many congratulations to Michael Rose who was Bar-Mitzvah at his Grandparents’ shul in Romford in Essex. When I spoke to his Mum, Sandra, she told me that he had made her feel very proud. He is repeating the event especially for the Cornwall Community at the multicultural centre at St Eval airbase on Saturday 19th November at 10am. Rev. Malcolm Wiseman will be coming down to lead the service. There is also a service the following Shabbat in Truro beginning 10.30am as usual.
Don’t forget AGM on Sunday 27th November at Carnon Downs Village Hall at 2pm in the Annexe.
There is also news that Chana Sophia Yaffe is down to do a Jewish Storytelling and Song session either in Cornwall or Plymouth. I will update this information as soon as I get confirmation of the venue.
Bonnie is hoping to arrange a Chanukah Party for all the cheder children, so we hope that you will all lend her your support for that event.
Upcoming newsletter 2006
We are approaching our next newsletter deadline (19th July), so please send your articles, stories, photos and adverts to Harvey before this date. You can contact him using the contact page.