We have a large selection of books and periodicals covering a range of genres, from literature and legend to Yiddish and Jewish thought.
While we still maintain our collection, we will now provide a list of relevant books upon request only.
Borrow a book
To borrow a book, pamphlet or periodical, please contact us to arrange collection. Leslie may also be able to arrange a delivery of the items.
The library is there for everyone in the community. Unread books are sad creatures: well read books are full of life.
If known please give Title, Author,Publisher of book wanted and you will be contacted if available or not.
Alternatively choose a Category from the following and a list of book titles will be sent to you.
Categories: Biography/Autobigraphy |
Children’s Literature |
Commentaries |
Customs and Practices |
Encyclopaedia |
Hebrew Language |
Histories |
Jewish Music |
Jewish Thought |
Literature-Legends |
Media |
Newsletters |
Paphlets |
Periodicals |
Theology |
Torah Texts |
Yiddish |