Category Archives: News

Pesach in Cornwall

After over two years in the wilderness, we are breaking free from the shackles of the pandemic and emerging step by step into freedom. Pesach this year will be doubly sweet, a reminder of the emergence from slavery, and a return to a life which we are freer to enjoy, while remembering our responsibility to use our freedom to make the world a better place. 

The first night of Pesach will be on Friday 15h April and we will be celebrating it in traditional style. There will be the familiar story, given new life by the reading of our Deputy Chair Adam Feldman, together with Murray Brown and with contributions from other members. We will have the traditional seder plate, and a wonderful buffet organised by Anne and David Hearle and lovingly cooked and prepared by some of the talented chefs of the community. 

Our seder is a wonderful occasion for both children and adults. Who will find the afikomen this year? If you are to be in Cornwall for Pesach this year, you may wish to join us, in which case please email .  Please note, however, that available places will be limited.

Looking for food for Pesach? There are several suppliers, but many people use Sabeny. Visit their website, or email them for their food list, or call them on 203 6973410.

Holly and her trees

Young KK regular Holly Hancock was unable to attend the Tree Planting at Paul (see below), so she and her dad planted their own trees for the Jewish refugees. They were thinking particularly of their family who left Germany during the Second World War to escape what what was happening to Jews and to make a better life in the UK. 

Holly’s grandmother is happy that Holly is engaging with her faith,  a faith which her grandmother felt obliged to hide for many years. Let the trees, Holly and other young people in her position, all full of promise, grow to make the world a better and more beautiful place. 

One of the trees planted by Hollly Hancock and her father

Tree Planting in Penwith

Digging it in – a joint effort by David Hearle and Melvia Williams (who knew the Jewish Refugee children as a child).
Meanwhile local children supervise!

On 30 January, 2022 Kehillat Kernow, the Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR), the Cornwall Faith Forum (CFF) and local people converged on the historic Cholera Field at Paul, near Mousehole in Penwith to plant an oak tree. The tree is one of eighty being planted around the UK to mark places where Jewish people have been given homes and shelter. Paul is one of these places as, together with Mousehole, it offered homes to 100 children and 5 teachers from the Jews Free School in East London in 1941 when they were evacuated because of the Blitz. Their stories are recorded in From East End to Lands End  by KK member and local author Susan Soyinka 

The tree was planted by another KK member, David Hearle, with help provided by children from Mousehole School. One Mousehole resident,  Melvia Williams, who remembered the Jewish children’s arrival ‘as if it was yesterday’ attended the ceremony and spoke of a warm coming together of the two groups of children. Besides the tree planting itself, the ceremony included welcome speeches by CFF Head and Priest in Charge at Paul Church Andrew Yates and by KK Chair Jeremy Jacobson, talks by AJR representative (and coincidentally KKK member) Dr Bea Lewkowicz and by Susan Soyinka, plus the recital of Psalm 104 by everyone, a moving rendition of El Malei Rachamim by KK Vice-Chair Adam Feldman and, finally, the Priestly Blessing recited in Hebrew by Adam and in English by Andrew.

After the ceremony, which was attended by around 100 people, Kehillat Kernow, together with Paul Church, invited the attendees to an informal lunch of Cornish pasties (vegetarian included!) tea, coffee and wine. The ceremony was a great success, bringing together communities and organisations in an affirmation of chayim (life) and chesed (loving kindness). 

The End of Exile for Kehillat Kernow

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We are back! For the first time in two years, Kehillat Kernow finally met together face-to-face for a Shabbat morning service. It was an emotional affair and also a challenging one as we tried to remember how we had done things in the past. When should we cover the Sefer Scroll with the mantle? What was the tune we used for this section of the Amidah? Should we dress the Torah Scroll before the Haftorah or after? We struggled a little, but we got there in the end. We completed the service, reading, praying, singing with the same intensity as before, perhaps more, as we revelled in the occasion. Kiddush lunch which would in the past have lasted a half-hour or so, went on for well over an hour as we chatted and chatted and chatted. A wonderful occasion, tinged with sadness at the absence of our greatly missed service leader among service leaders, our guide and touchstone but tinged also with joy that we were able to honour her in our observance of Shabbat.

(KK Friends and Members can see more photos of the occasion here.)

KK AGM – A meeting with ‘batteries included’

On Sunday, 14 November at 2pm, members of Kehillat Kernow attended in person or zoomed into the annual AGM at the Lipert ‘s house. Our AGM’s are special: we have a view of the sea, we hear about all the things we managed to accomplish over the year, and we get to plan for the future. What could be better? Despite another year being restricted with Covid, we got together, we met, we prayed, we went for walks, we heard lectures, we participated in a variety of games and cultural activities either in person or on line, and we continued to reach out to other-faiths and same faith communities through a myriad of programmes and, most importantly we thrived.

The meeting was followed by an informal buffet, food and drink, and a great deal of talking. After all, following a year of not meeting for some of us, there was a great deal of catching up to do. For more details about the meeting, see the December newsletter and for an opportunity to view some pictures form this event, click on to the photo gallery.