Category Archives: News

Newsletter for April 2021

In advance of the festival, here is the April/Pesach issue of Kol Kehillat Kernow – it is now available in the Newsletter page.

Remember, you need to be a Kehillat Kernow member or a registered website user to view the full version in the archive. Please apply to become a friend of the community if you don’t already have access.

I will also email previews of the same newsletter as each one comes out – so please subscribe if you want to hear more.

Holocaust Memorial Service

  1.  Two short animations prepared by students and teachers at the University of Falmouth
  2.  Candle lighting
  3.  Service led by Pat Lipert and Adam Feldman, based on the Yom HaShoah service and including some additional readings from other sources.
  4.  Holocaust testimony of Blanka Engelberg, late mother of Kehillat Kernow member Cynthia Clare Hollinsworth
Continue reading Holocaust Memorial Service

Weekly bulletin

A huge thank you to John Adelson for his Erev Shabbat service & Kiddush last Friday including his interesting and informative talk on Noah. Congratulations, as well, to Alexandra who lit the candles at our service and attended an Affirmation Service on Saturday morning at her ‘other place’, i.e. Jackson’s Row in Manchester.
This week we have a Shabbat Service & Kiddush led by Jeremy Jacobson. Please join us this Saturday @ 10.30 am. We will again be honouring Alexandra, so come armed with a Mazel tov and a Yasher ko’akh.

Future Services/Events:

There is no service on 30 October but a Shabbat service on 31 October led by Jeremy Jacobson. Shabbat Lech ‘cha 13 Cheshvan

This week we start he story of Abraham and Sarah, our wonderful ancestors who are both archetypal Jews and archetypal human beings. Their story and character are especially ours, but we cannot have them totally to ourselves, for they have lessons for all of humanity. They are, too, very human, individual and alive. Last year we spoke about journeys to and from the beginning. This year, we will look at another aspect of their special and universal relevance.

Erev Shabbat service & Kiddush – 6 November @ 6pm led Liz Berg. Shabbat Va-yeira, 20 Cheshvan

Erev Shabbat service & Kiddush – 13 November @ 6pm led by Sharim Atilano. Shabbat Chayyei Sarah, 27 Cheshvan


Following the success of ‘Cornish Island Discs’ and ‘Just a Jewish Minute’, we will be holding our next event at the end of November will be ‘Favourite Books’. The details, including date and time, will follow.

Jewish Entertainment for a Sunday Afternoon

In case you’ve been adrift on Sunday afternoons at the end of the month at 5pm, Kehillat Kernow has been offering a series of entertaining events for its members since August. You can participate or not, but do join in for the fun, the kibbitzing and good information which emerges every time members of KK have a get together.  All you have to do is ZOOM IN!

In August we had a jolly good time with Cornish Island Discs where favourite musical pieces from all genres and periods were heard and talked about. The end of October, 25th, a Jewish-Cornish version of the popular television show, Just a Minute, will match wit and humour as we see how long we can keep an extemp topic going.  The end of November will feature Favourite Books that have influenced some of our members. The selections promise to give you new insight into people you think you already know as well as some good reading recommendations. The end of December, A Jewish Journey of Names and Identity will be presented where participants discuss their personal Jewish and secular names and their historical, spiritual and familial significance.

The idea for these KK programmes came up as a result of the annual European Days of Culture and Heritage sponsored by B’nai B’rith UK which is running from September through December this year focussed around the topic, Jewish Journeys.

Come and join us on these Sunday sessions;  if you wish to attend, please contact our Security Officer