This animation portrays the remarkable story of survival of Blanka and her sister Klara during the Holocaust and the horrific nightmare of the Nazi concentration camps, including Auschwitz II (Birkenau).
The Animation may only be viewed by Members.
Click on ‘Additional’ on the main menu and select ‘Holocaust Memorial Animation.’
On Sunday, May 2nd, members of Kehillat Kerow met face to face for the first time in 15 months under glorious blue skies and even more grand bluebells at Enys Gardens outside Penryn. Adam and Melanie Feldman came up with the idea for safe outdoor gathering and fifteen enthusiastic walkers, from ages two to almost 90, members enjoyed catching up with each other sans Zoom. Each group brought provisions, for what’s a Jewish occasion without a nosh? A picnic near a picturesque walled garden amongst the flowers and blossoming trees completed the splendid reunion. Oh happy day; we found a way to meet again.
In advance of the festival, here is the April/Pesach issue of Kol Kehillat Kernow – it is now available in the Newsletter page.
Remember, you need to be a Kehillat Kernow member or a registered website user to view the full version in the archive. Please apply to become a friend of the community if you don’t already have access.
I will also email previews of the same newsletter as each one comes out – so please subscribe if you want to hear more.
We are currently holding Erev Shabbat services the first three Fridays and a morning service on the last Saturday morning of each month. All services are held via Zoom. If you would like to attend, please contact the Chair.